#Animal crossing multiple islands one switch full
Only the leader has full access to their pockets, can enter buildings, shop, and only the leader can pick up fruit and wood.Because it's not split-screen the followers will automatically follow the leader, popping into the screen if they straggle behind.Whoever made the call is automatically the leader and the rest are followers.You can use this app, at any time, to call other residents who live on the same island to come play with you! Up to 8 people can live on an Island BUT only 4 people can play via couch co-op at once.

Up to 8 players can live on one island 4 players living on the same island can play together - at the same time - on a single system (couch co-op style). Couch Co-Op Local Multiplayer (Party Play) This may pose a problem for you if you share a Nintendo Switch because you can still create your own character but you'll have to share the island. One Nintendo Switch and one copy of the game is required for each unique island, as written on the Australian listing. Note: Only one island can exist per Nintendo Switch console, no matter how many user accounts are registered to that Switch OR how many copies of the game are used on one console.